On to the Carnival of Music #7!
Fred Himebaugh found a disk jocky at a classical radio station with an impossibly impressive resume.
The HeadGirl made an investment in the clearance aisle at WalMart, and has benefited from it ever since.
John Lanius has discovered a great site for lovers of vintage synthesizers by EMS. Click the pix to enlarge.

Scott Spiegelberg nominated a series of posts on teaching music theory: Kyle Gann's at PostClassic, Marcus Maroney's blog, and his own at Musical Perceptions.
He also recommends two posts by Hucbald on composing fugues here and here.
And a post at Utopian TurtleTop about Ringo's drumming and Sheryl Crow as inheritor of Beatle-glow.
All over the map today!
With so few submissions to the Carnival this week, here are a few links to sites that I think other musicians might find interesting:
On my blog today, I point to some work that Richard Boulanger and his team at Berklee and csounds.com are doing. They assembled an enormous archive of electronic music compositions that were created using Csound. For those who like electronic music, hand crafted with the software descendent of Music V, I suggest a few hundred hours of uninterrupted listening.
Richard Friedman points to a nice interview with Kyle Gann recorded last week at WNYC on John Schaefer's program. It's available as an MP3 file.
MoistWorks is an MP3 blog, which you can turn it into a podcast with this feed. Then every MP3 they post will show up on your MP3 player or iPod automatically. I wonder why they didn't think of that before? They have an Atom feed, but that doesn't support podcasting. Feedburner turns it into an RSS 2.0 feed required for podcasting.
Alex Ross, music critic for the New Yorker is on holiday, and recommended the following music blogs to read in his absence. Here's his list:
Vilaine fille Marion Lignana Rosenberg ionarts ionarts Sasha Frere-Jones Kyle Gann The renegade harpist Helen Radice Operablogging Trrill, Sieglinde's Diaries, La Cieca, NYC Opera Fanatic, Prima la musica, All About Opera, Unamplified Voice The view from SF: The Standing Room, Bay Buzz ...Houston I Am Sitting in a Room ...Boston The Laurel Letters ...Chicago Bryant Manning ...the UK On An Overgrown Path Composers Sequenza 21, The Fredösphere, Forrest Covington, Marcus Maroney, Paul Bailey, Renewable Music, Brendan McNamara, Adam Baratz Critics Greg Sandow, Jessica Duchen, Steve Hicken, Lisa Hirsch, Zachary Lewis, Mwanji Ezana And Carl Wilson, Douglas Wolk, Eppy, Philip Sherburne, Aaron Wherry, Simon Reynolds, Julianne Shepherd, Christopher Porter, M. Matos, Brazilian Muse, Jessica Hopper, J. D. Considine, Thomas Bartlett, Jeff Chang, Franklin Bruno Piano Jeremy Denk, Heather, Well-Tempered Theory Tim Johnson, Scott Spiegelberg Orchestra Drew McManus Sax Brian Sacawa Oboe Patrica Mitchell, Brendon Bushman, Dominican Oboist Singing Anne-Carolyn Bird, Tom Meglioranza, Mezzo Gregory, Silverblog Make it new aworks, rchrd Guitar Paul Viapiano Listening What I Like About... Beyond category uTopianTurtleTop Dylan Eyolf Ostrem MP3s Moistworks, Fingertips, Largehearted Boy, Fluxblog, Said the GramophoneFew!
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